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Based on the positive clinical results documented in the outcome data (recently published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology) of a major international randomized controlled trial of our LeucoPatch® wound healing technology, Reapplix’s primary focus now shifts from development to commercialization.

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PRESS RELEASE: Positive outcome data of large Randomized Controlled Trial presented at American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions & Reapplix business update

Reapplix ApS, the regenerative medicine company, initially focussed on chronic wounds, announces that positive outcome data of an independent Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) of its LeucoPatch® wound healing platform was presented at the American Diabetes Association 78th Scientific Sessions meeting in Orlando, Florida. The Company has also provided an update on the Company’s progress.

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Dr. Magnus Löndahl presented Clinical experiences with LeucoPatch and the status of the large RCT at the Innovations in Wound Healing meeting.

MD, PhD Magnus Löndahl one of 4 principal investigators of the large randomized controlled trial of LeucoPatch/3C Patch on diabetic foot ulcers presented “Clinical experiences with LeucoPatch and status of the large RCT: Leucopatch™ System in the Management of Hard-To-Heal Diabetic Foot Ulcers” at the 4th annual Innovations in Wound Healing meeting December 9th 2017 in Bimini, Bahamas.

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PRESS RELEASE: Reapplix confirms new funds raised

Reapplix today announced that it has successfully closed a new funding round of €2.7 million. This new funding was provided by the existing investors, SEED Capital Denmark, Novo Seeds and Vækstfonden (The Danish Growth Fund).

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Reapplix Patents Granted in USA and Japan

Reapplix ApS, developers of the unique LeucoPatch active wound therapy, have today announced that they have received notification that key patents have been granted in the United States and in Japan.

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PRESS RELEASE: Reapplix confirms new funds raised

Reapplix today announced that it has successfully closed a new funding round of €2.7 million. This new funding was provided by the existing investors, SEED Capital Denmark, Novo Seeds and Vækstfonden (The Danish Growth Fund).

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PRESS RELEASE: Reapplix announces appointment of Graeme Brookes as new CEO

Reapplix ApS (Reapplix), developers of the unique LeucoPatch active wound therapy, have appointed Graeme Brookes as Chief Executive Officer. Graeme’s appointment significantly strengthens the commercial capabilities of the management team and provides increased emphasis on implementing this promising technology into clinical use.

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