A UK self-employed driver and mechanic faced amputation but his ulcer healed and his leg was saved.
Philip Herbert is 54 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes type-2 in 2007. He says “I’d been told that I was going to have my foot taken off and because I have a metal plate in my ankle it would have meant amputating at the knee. I’m a self-employed mechanic and driver so losing part of a leg would have had a tremendous effect on my life.”
Asked what he thinks of Reapplix´s new 3C Patch® for diabetic foot ulcers, Philip calls it “absolutely amazing.”
The study was sponsored by Nottingham University Hospitals Trust.
Read the full article here.

(l-r) Philip Herbert, with Specialist Diabetes Podiatrist Nicola Murphy and Diabetes Research Nurse Mymy Del Rosario.